Great Videos, Articles and Books on Leading Teams

Have a few minutes and want to think about great teams and your leadership?
Check out these short videos (10-20 minutes):
Angela Duckworth talking about Grit.

Dan Pink talking about the science of Motivation.

Simon Sinek talking about why you need to know why your business exists.

Raj Sisodia talking about Conscious Capitalism.

Check out these articles:
Clay Christensen’s “How Will You Measure Your Life” (if you don’t have a subscription to the Harvard Business Review you will have to buy this article: IT IS WORTH IT
Hiring for Cultural Fit
Be More Successful (and while you are at sign up for the weekly email. This website has all sorts of short, great articles and interviews about teams, happiness, leadership, etc.
Some great business books:
Dan Pink’s Drive
Howard Schultz’s Onward

Karlgaard and Malone’s Team Genius
And some great books to remind you about the strength of the human spirit.
Sledge Patrol
We Die Alone
As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me
And one last thing, take this on line Values Test:
The Barrett Personal Values Test